English version
The dictionary has been possible
thanks to the collaboration of the University of the Balearic Isles,
the Government of the Balearic Isles and the Government of Catalonia
Diccionaris de l'Enciclopèdia
Col·lecció: "Diccionaris Bilingües"
PVP: 81.63 / 84.90 euros
Binding: cloth with dust jacket ;Size: 17.5 x 24.7 cm;Pages: 1,328
The first dictionary of this size among the Romance languages and a reference text for all scholars of this Indo-European language, its literature and culture. It is a great step forward in the studies of Sanskrit, a sacred scholarly language, as, for the first time in Sanskrit lexicography, it includes the double etymology (the traditional one of Sanskrit grammarians and that of comparative Western linguistics).
It translates and explains over 50,000 words. It covers a wide range of themes (mythology, religion, yoga, etc.) and offers encyclopaedic explanations in the articles on Hinduism and Indian culture in general, which go beyond the strictly linguistic interest of the Sanskrit language. It contains, moreover, an alphabetical index of all the Romanized entries, which makes it possible to consult the articles without the need to be familiar with the devanagari (Sanskrit alphabet).
Òscar Pujol (l'Arboç, Catalonia 1959) studied Sanskrit at the Banaras Hindu University, where he graduated in 1993 and earned his doctorate in 1999 with the thesis on a twelfth-century grammatical manuscript, Maitreyaraksita's Tantrapradipa. He has published over thirty articles and has translated several books from Sanskrit into Spanish. After living in Benares for sixteen years, he now lives in Barcelona, where he is director of educational programmes at Casa Àsia.